ESM News

Call For Article Submission IGC2024

Call to submit your article for IGC 2024! Final deadline – March 15th! ESM will be convening a session on Earth Science Education that falls under GIS and Remote Sensing (Session 3 in T22, find by clicking the following link). Submit your article at this website: Session 3 – Earth Science Education – transferring […]

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Today we say goodbye to Chris King                

The king of geoscience education, Chris King, passed away 17 February 2022. Chris was an emeritus professor at Keele University (UK) and one of the best and most effective promotors of geoscience education and outreach in the past decades. In my capacity as IUGS President (2000-2004) and as Executive Director of the International Year of

Today we say goodbye to Chris King                 Read More »

Underground Space

First International Conference on the Exploitation and Utilization of Underground Space (EUUS2019) in Wuhan, China

Through ESM Partner YES the Chair of the ESM Board was invited to participate in the First International Conference on the Exploitation and Utilization of Underground Space (EUUS2019) held in Wuhan, China, on November 15-18, 2019. This International Conference marked the formal entry of the Geosciences in the planning and construction of underground structures which was dominated by engineers and miners only for over a century.

First International Conference on the Exploitation and Utilization of Underground Space (EUUS2019) in Wuhan, China Read More »

Fifth YES Conference in Berlin, September 2019)

The YES Network has been an ESM Partner since its onset in 2011. Like ESM, the YES Network has been an offspring of the UN-proclaimed International Year of Planet Earth and their 5th International Conference in Berlin marked its 10 years existence. The Yes Network has over 5000 members since. The title of this Berlin Conference, hosted by and held in the premises of the Freie Universität, was ROCKING EARTH’S FUTURE.

Fifth YES Conference in Berlin, September 2019) Read More »

Forum on Deep-time Digital Earth (DDE) in Beijing, March 2019

In March 2019, the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS), organised a major Forum on Deep-time Digital Earth (DDE) in Beijing. That was followed by an official launch of this word-class project in Kunshan. More than 80 (30 International, > 50 Chinese) Scientists from many disciplines gave presentations demonstrating that data must be fully accessible (FAIR) for searching machines, through machine learning and AI techniques further translate, integrate and compile such information automatically in graphs, maps etc.

Forum on Deep-time Digital Earth (DDE) in Beijing, March 2019 Read More »

ESM present at the YES and CAG25 Conferences in Dar es Salaam

Two important geoscientific conferences were held back-to-back from 11 – 15 August 2014, in the Julius Nyerere Conference Centre in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The conferences were attended by the Presidents of the YES Network, Wang Meng and the Geological Society of Africa (GSAf), Aberra Mogessie, both ESM Board members, together with the ESM Executive Director. Both conferences had a good attendance by African geoscientists and by a significant number of colleagues oversees.

ESM present at the YES and CAG25 Conferences in Dar es Salaam Read More »

ESM participation in Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU) meeting in Yokohama, 29 April to 2 May 2014

On invitation by the JpGU and sponsored by the new e-journal Progress on Earth and Planetary Sciences the ESM Executive Director attended the annual JpGU Conference in Yokohama, Japan. This annual geoscience meeting belongs to the largest in the world and attracted about 7,000 geoscientists, predominantly from Japan. Prof. Yukio Himiyama, the leader of the Human Geoscience section in Japan and Vice-President of the International Geographical Union invited ESM to address the audience in a Union Session on Future Earth.

ESM participation in Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU) meeting in Yokohama, 29 April to 2 May 2014 Read More »

Earth Science Matters active in Africa

The Earth Science Matters Foundation participated in the 24th Colloquium of African Geology (CAG24) that was held in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) from 8-14 January 2013. This Colloquium which also celebrated the 40th birthday of the Geological Society of Africa (GSAf), was entitled Earth Sciences Solutions to African Development Challenges. Four hundred and fifty participants form more than 60 nations were registered and gathered in the Millennium Hall during a well organized international Conference.

Earth Science Matters active in Africa Read More »