Registration POSTPONMENT ANNOUNCMENT GEO-HACKATHON INFO The Time is Now! Geoscience for a Sustainable Future! 6th YES Geo-HackathonREGISTRATION FORMContact DetailsPrefix Dr.Mr.Mrs.MsFirst Name *Last Name *Email *Your email is only used to keep in touch leading up and during the Hackathon. It is not shared or distributed to any party and will be deleted following the event unless you would like to be notified for events in the future.Country *Where do you live?Experience Level *How long have you been in your profession?Post Secondary School StudentRecent Graduate/Post Doc.Mid-Senior ProfessionalSenior Professional – RetiredPosition *Discipline *Registration DetailsRegistering as a(n) *Those registering as an individual will be placed on a team on the day of the event.IndividualTeamParticipation Location *All participants attending in person are required to have proof of registration for the 36th IGC congress. Remote participation is available but note that you may experience limitations of information and certain prizes if awarded. We will do our best to keep any limitations to a minimum!Event locationOnline36th IGC registration # For those that will attend the hackathon in person, please provide proof of registration at the 36th IGC congress. Please bring proof on the day of the hackathon. Thank you.Photos/videos may be taken during the event and posted on the YES Network or ESM's website, do you give permission for us to post photos/videos with you in it? *Note: Online participants may be asked to provide photos of themselves and/or their Team, particularly if they win a prize.YesOnly if my face is not showingTeam DetailsTeam Name Please note that all team members have to register separately and use a consistant team name. If you don’t have a team type in “N/A”Number of team members *If you are registering as an individual type in the number 1.As you know, some participants can apply individually. Would you be interest to have someone else joining your team ? *Yes, they are more than welcomeSureNoN/A, I am applying as an individualBackground/Get to know youWhat characteristics describe you best? Extroverted – people personIntroverted – lone wolfTeam PlayerComedianLeaderFollowerCreativeTechnicalHow do you think the younger generation preceives the geosciences? brief inputWhat do you feel are the key challenges the Earth Science discipline is currently facing? Briefly explainHow many Hackathons have you done previously? How did you hear about this hackathon? Are you a member of the YES Network? YesNoDo you have any food allergies or restrictions? If yes, please mention themWould you like to be informed about other ESM or YES Network events or projects? *If Yes, your details will be added to our mailing list.YesNo VerificationPlease enter any two digits *Example: 12This box is for spam protection – <strong>please leave it blank</strong>: